Durazno (film)

Durazno aka Apricot is an documentary film directed by Yashira Jordan. The film utilized crowdfunding and ecological production, and is one of the first of its type to be made in Bolivia and Argentina.

The documentary follows Ezequiel W. Gonzalez and Nahuel Prez Biscayart as they set out on a road trip together. The two are both in search of something W. Gonzalez is looking for his biological father while Biscayart is studying him with the intent of basing a character off of him. Both men suffer from issues stemming from identity. W. Gonzalez has to deal with the longterm effects of his abandonment as an infant by his mother, the lack of any clear knowledge of who his father is, and the mysterious death of his adopted father. Meanwhile Biscayart struggles to identify his character, W. Gonzalez, and ultimately himself.

Source: Wikipedia